Friday, December 3, 2010

My plan is failing!

Things are getting worse. Gibson now thinks I am a toy. I should never have trusted such a retarded animal with secret information. Luckily, his lack of vocabulary stops him from spilling too many details.
I may have messed up by admitting what I know to Steve. But my previous plan has fallen apart. I need a new plan!


  1. You should have scratched him on the head so Pussy(Gibson)would bleed to death-TheGoombaking1

    1. How could you be so cruel?

    2. Crimptonnight: hes not mean Anonymous. hes just trying to make that stupid cat( hair-ball) shut up so he wont give the humans to much imfo. that basterd will ruan the plan.

  2. Sylvester, if Steve knows part of the info, he will want more information as well. The trick is giving him some information, making him desperate to know the rest. Eventually he'll crack and give u catnip!!!


  3. Crimptonnight: oh no sylvester you haf to stop that retarded cat hair-ball from messing up your plan and hes way to stupid to tell imfo to all he says is help and todd but you must stop him from giving imformation to the humans. its the only way and if he gives any imfo t the humans again kick his ass.
